<aside> 🔖 Contents of “SustainabilityGuide”:

What is Sustainability?

17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Sustainable Organizations

Responsible consumption

Social activism

Measuring Sustainability

Web links on Sustainability

Self-reflection exercise “I’m a sustainable future!”


The team behind “SustainabilityGuide”

Students participating in the Erasmus+ project “Sustainable School - Sustainable Future” ( 2023-1-LT01-KA122-SCH-000130734) from Lithuania and Slovenia.


What is Sustainability? | UCLA Sustainability

How to tackle energy efficiency in transport?

What does sustainable shopping really mean? | Zero Waste Scotland

6 simple tips for sustainable shopping in your daily life

What Is Sustainable Shopping? Tips for Making Responsible Purchases

How many planets does it take to sustain your lifestyle?

What is your carbon footprint?

carbonfootprint.com - Carbon Footprint Calculator

Eco pedsakas | pasauliopilietis

THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development